July 22, 2024 in Blog, Uncategorized

How do I become a bulletproof person?

Getty Images Fly Free Psychotherapy

I’ll give you a bullet-point list for that!

  • Do things that scare you. Challenge yourself to face your fears head-on so that you’re ready for anything.
  • Put yourself willingly in uncomfortable situations. Stay there until it gets comfortable, so that when a difficult unexpected situation happens, you don’t freeze.
  • Give zero fucks about what others think or say about you or what you do. It’s your life, your own unique journey, live it your way and let others do the same.
  • Choose kindness as a default mood. No matter what, no matter who, always be kind, cause it feels good, it’s always a win-win and usually it’s the hard thing to do.
  • Do not just react to external events. Stop, breathe and consciously respond to them. In the brief gap between what happens and what you decide to do with it lies your power.
  • Always choose inner peace over being right. Ego is useless and your mind always wants to be right and win the game. Being at peace will make you stronger, more assertive and less submissive.
  • Give yourself the possibility of having no opinion about something. You don’t have to have a view about everything. If it’s not your cup of tea, just stay silent or walk away.
  • Practice self-love every single day. The more you love yourself, the less dependent on others you’ll be.
  • Express your emotions. Suppressing them makes you weak and self-destructive. If you feel it, don’t hide it, let it out and then let it go. Know yourself and what triggers you.
  • Don’t take anything personally. People reflect their shit on others, it’s always personal with themselves, never with you. Be the mirror, let them take the look, but don’t let it get to you.

If get you master half of these, you’re not only bulletproof, you’re a fucking superhero!

Enjoy the ride!

[From I.C. on Quora]

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